
Plenary Speakers





Min Gu 
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China




Coming Soon






Fengzhou Fang 
Tianjin University

University College Dublin, Ireland





Dr Fengzhou Fang is working as a joint professor at the Tianjin University and the University College Dublin. He has been working in the fields of freeform optics design and manufacturing, bio-manufacturing, and ultra-precision machining and metrology when he became a faculty member at university in 1982. His achievements on nano machining mechanism and process investigations have contributed to both the fundamental study and process development in manufacturing. Professor Fang developed the Three Paradigms of Manufacturing Advancement, indicating that Atomic and Close-to-atomic Scale Manufacturing (ACSM) is the fundamental technology of the new paradigm, namely Manufacturing III. He has been elected Fellow of the International Academy of Engineering and Technology (AET), the International Society for Nanomanufacturing (ISNM), the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). 


Professor Fang is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), a Member of the Academia Europaea (AE), the Founding President of ISNM, and the Editor-in-Chief of Nanomanufacturing and Metrology.







Wei Gao 
Tohoku University, Japan



Wei Gao is a professor in the Department of Finemechanics of Tohoku University. His research interests lie primarily in the field of precision engineering, specialized in precision nanometrology. He is an author of the books “Precision Nanometrology” (Springer), “Surface Metrology for Micro- and Nanofabrication” (Elsevier), “Optical Metrology for Precision Engineering” (De Gruyter). He was awarded the Prize for Science and Technology in 2019 from the Japanese government (MEXT). He is a Fellow of CIRP, ISNM, JSPE and a Fellow of The Engineering Academy of Japan (EAJ).







Dame Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang 
UK Future Metrology Hub for Sustainable Manufacture University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom




Prof. Dame Jane Jiang holds a Royal Academy of Engineering/Renishaw Chair in Precision Metrology, the Director of the UK Future Metrology Hub and the Chief Scientist, Centre of Precision Technologies, University of Huddersfield.


Jane obtained her PhD in measurement science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in 1995; a DSc for precision engineering, University of Huddersfield in 2007; and received an honorary HDSc from City, University of London in 2019.


She is an internationally respected research leader in advanced metrology, with a background in both industry and academia, particularly in modelling non-Euclidean geometries, AI ready metrology technologies, and nanophotonics-enabled optical sensors and instruments.


She has published more than 600 papers, books, and patents, and has been awarded over £55M research grants. She has intensively worked with industry and transferred many research outputs into industrial products and ISO standards.


She is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, International Academy of Production Research (CIRP) and Institute of Engineering Technology. She received Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award 2006, Sir Harold Hartley Medal 2014, a Damehood in 2017 for services to Manufacturing and Engineering and she is the leading recipient of the Queen's Anniversary Prizes for Advanced Metrology 2021.







Young-Jin KIM 
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea





Prof. Kim is currently an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Aerospace Engineering at KAIST, Republic of Korea. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from KAIST in 2002, 2004, and 2008, respectively. He worked as a postdoctoral research associate and research professor at KAIST by 2014. He joined Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore as a Nanyang Assistant Professor and NRF Fellow from 2014 to 2019. He has published 130+ peer-reviewed journal papers and his h-index is 39 with 8400 citations. He is the recipient of Young Scientist Award by Korean President 2021, Optical Technology Innovation Award by OSK 2021, IJPEM-GT Highly Commended Paper Award 2019, Outstanding Presenter Award 2019, Young Researcher Award 2018 and so on.


He is the associate member of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering), the member of Y-KAST (Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology), editorial director of Korean Society of Precision Engineering (KSPE), organizing director of Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME), Editorial Board Member of Virtual and Physical Prototyping published by Taylor & Francis (Impact Factor: 10.60), Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (IJPEM) published by Korean Society of Precision Engineering (KSPE), Topical Editor of Current Optics and Photonics (COPP) published by Optical Society of Korea (OSK), Editor of Micro & Nano Manufacturing published by Springer. He has served as a committee member of various international conferences and workshops, such as Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), CLEO-Pacific Rim, International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, ISMTII, PHOTOPTICS, IEEE icOPEN, Advanced Laser and Photon Sources (ALPS).


His research interests are on ‘Ultra-Precision Metrology and Manufacturing (UPM2) technologies using ultrafast femtosecond laser pulses’. Detailed research topics include high-precision dimensional metrology for semiconductor, flat panel display, and precision-engineering products, precision laser manufacturing of flexible/stretchable electronics/optics, and next-generation space metrology missions including high-precision laser ranging for formation-flying satellites, broadband spectroscopy, and high-density free-space communication.







Satoru Takahashi 
The University of Tokyo, Japan



Prof. Takahashi received his MS and Ph.D. degrees from the Osaka University, Japan in 1995 and 2002, and became an associate professor at the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) in 2003. He is currently a professor at the Department of Precision Engineering, UTokyo. In parallel, he was appointed as a visiting professor at the University of Toronto (UToronto), Canada in 2011. His research interests include the nano-in-process measurement, nano-scale-metrology, and nano/micro microfabrication using the advanced optics based on not only far-field optics but also localized photon energy such as evanescent light, near-field light, and so on. Throughout his career, he delivered over 50 invited talks, received 30+ academic awards, and actively engaged in academic association management. He has played leadership roles in not only domestic academic societies, including a Board of JSPE (Japan Society for Precision Engineering), but also international academic societies, including a Board of ASPEN (Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology), Editorial Boards of the ISNM (International Society for NanoManufactruring), and of the IJPEM (International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing). He's a member of various academic societies including the JSME, JSAT, ASPE, euspen, and a fellow of JSPE, ISNM, CIRP.